A healthy lifestyle has 7 main “pillars”: physical activity, a balanced diet, absence of bad habits, hygienic care, adequate sleep and rest, recreational procedures and an emotional attitude. If you follow all these aspects, the quality of life and well-being improves significantly.

Good nutrition A healthy diet

The health of our internal organs, our physical appearance, our sense of well-being and immunity are directly dependent on what we eat. A healthy lifestyle involves eliminating flavorings, flavor enhancers, fatty foods, colorings and preservatives, or at least reducing them.

Here are the basic rules:

  • You should neither starve nor overeat – both negatively affect your well-being. You should not feel hungry and, conversely, overeat. Try to ensure that the daily norm of calories was 1700-1900 kcal (normal for women leading a sedentary lifestyle, for men the daily calorie is higher by about 300-400 kcal).
  • Drink clean water. It is desirable to consume 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day (not tea, coffee, juice, etc.)
  • Reduce the amount of sweets in your diet. If you want sweets, give preference to fresh vegetables and dried fruits. You can also use bitter chocolate in moderation.
  • Eat at least 4-5 times a day in small portions. At the end of a meal, you should have a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Daily menu should contain meat or fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products. Eat a varied diet.
  • Dinner should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is not advisable to eat immediately before going to bed.
  • Eliminate fast food, fatty and smoked products from your diet.
  • Give preference to boiled, braised or baked products.

If you have not been following your diet before, it may be difficult to change your diet abruptly. Try to start small, by eliminating fatty sauces and foods that contain them, avoiding flavor enhancers and chemical additives, avoid convenience foods, convenience foods, pastries, and fruits and vegetables. Doing each of these things is a step toward eating healthier.

Physical Activity Exercise

Lack of physical activity leads to a decrease in the rate of metabolism, the development of musculoskeletal diseases, cardiovascular and neurological pathologies.

If your work does not involve motion, try to increase your own activity. It is considered normal to spend at least 1 hour a day in motion (that’s about 8000-10000 steps). Scientists have proved that every minute of activity affects your long-term health, which means that even walking up the stairs instead of the elevator brings you closer to health.

Increase your daily activity by getting in the habit of starting and ending the day with a light warm-up. If you go to work on public transport, get off 1-2 stops earlier and walk that way. It is very useful to take breaks, if you have a sedentary job. On the weekends do fitness, go for a walk or go to the pool. These measures are enough to maintain health and well-being.


Personal hygiene is one part of a healthy lifestyle. First of all, it concerns the oral cavity. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, and pay attention to your entire oral cavity. In addition to the standard set consisting of a toothbrush and toothpaste, get an irrigator, dental floss and mouthwash. Not only can tooth decay develop, but gum disease and gastrointestinal problems can result if you don’t follow these rules.

It is also important to keep the house in order: clean regularly, do not allow dust accumulation, ventilate the rooms every day.

Observance of the daily routine

Scientists have determined that duration of sleep and its regularity are important for health and well-being. Every person should get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. It is desirable to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Of course, sometimes you can make exceptions, for example, on weekends.

Emotional mood

Nervous tension, constant breakdowns and stresses – all this negatively affects your mood, health and well-being in general. Experts recommend adhering to the following advice:

Do not worry about what you can’t change. If you can not cope with anxiety – seek help from a psychologist.
Think positive, in any situation, find positive aspects.
Do not hold grudges, let go of all the insults, do not be jealous and do not do evil to people.
Try to avoid stressful situations.