Sometimes the search for healthy products in the supermarket can turn into a real walk through a minefield, so the fitness center Porsche Human Performance has developed some tips that will help you choose everything you need for a healthy diet.

Don’t eat foods with more than 5 ingredients

Please note: The more ingredients in the composition, the more likely it is that the product has been subjected to complex processing. This is not to say, however, that low-quality products (for example, chips or ice cream) that contain fewer than five ingredients should be a staple food. Sometimes you have to use common sense.

Do not consume foods that contain sugar

Consuming too many of these foods can lead to disease (diabetes, cancer, heart disease), overweight, and a failure to eat properly. Many companies try to hide the presence of sugar in the product in order to make the treat tastier. In these cases, sugar is not even mentioned in the composition indicated on the package. For example, sugar may be in the form of high fructose corn syrup, maltose (malt sugar), brown rice syrup, glucose, sucrose, or fruit juice concentrate. The list could go on and on.

How to Choose the Right Foods?

Instead, it’s better to pay attention to vegetables and fruits, which contain a huge number of valuable elements, useful for health. But the well-publicized products, which seem to be incredibly healthy, are not always so.

Don’t eat fat-free foods

Not only do products from which all the fat has been removed, have a terrible taste, but instead of fat, many manufacturers add sugar, which has already been mentioned above. If you take dairy products, for example, complete skimming will result in higher levels of casein (a complex protein), which causes gut disease.

Eat “healthy” meat

The expression, “You eat what you eat,” would be appropriate here, but with a slight correction, “You eat what your food eats.” An animal’s nutrition affects its dietary value – the better it eats, the more dietary and nutritious it is. Ideally, the meat and dairy products that come to your table should come from animals that have followed a plant-based diet and have been pasture-raised.